3 Ways to Incorporate Spirituality in Your Business with Halley Bass

Today we are welcoming a Berlin-based marketing coach ideal for the modern ages. After many years in the corporate world, she eventually left for India where she focused on personal growth and eventually received her 200 Hours of Yoga Training and a Master Certification in Intuition Medicine. 

Halley takes a holistic approach to business and marketing by incorporating empathy, chakras, energy, and intuition into building an authentic business that connects people to their ideal clients. Today she focuses on helping her clients follow their intuition, let go of conditioning, and find their voice in business, marketing, and life. This is one of the most spiritual episodes I’ve ever done, and for those of you who are wondering if spirituality and business can mix well, the answer is a resounding YES! 

Please welcome Coach Halley Bass to Female Entrepreneur & Me, and be sure to listen to our full interview to learn more ways Halley embraces spirituality in the business world.

    Read about another Berlin-based womxn leader: How to Nail Your Niche and Accelerate Your Productivity with Natalie Etc.

    Allow Yourself to Connect With Your Body

    Whether it’s starting your business calls with a couple of minutes of meditation or affirmations, or learning about body medicine, giving yourself the space to be spiritual in an otherwise potentially stressful environment can really transform how your body intuitively feels about your business or career. 

    Different energy centers in your body relate to how you express yourself in business. One of the best ways to learn about your body and implement this in your business practice is through the seven Chakras, which are energy centers that line up against the spine. Each Chakra represents a different part of your self-expression, and your communication style might evolve once you get a better idea of what they represent and what they mean to you. Once you have a better connection with yourself, you gain the ability to take more risks and feel more comfortable expressing yourself.

    Don’t Be Afraid to Develop Your Voice

    There are many practical steps to building a business, but there are also more spiritual ones too. In order to truly feel connected to your business, you need to develop your voice and message and figure out what’s important to you. It will make your business so much more valuable in the long run if there is something uniquely you about it. 

    Be sure to take the time to take a less structured approach when developing your business in order to see what aligns best with your message. Halley, for example, decided a typical marketing position wasn’t for her, and that her message could most authentically be shared if she worked specifically with highly sensitive and highly empathetic individuals. To some that may sound too niche, but giving yourself the opportunity to make this choice draws in clients that otherwise might not have felt as connected to you and your business.

    Find out three common issues business owners face with business coach Jocelyn Heng.

    Allow Yourself to Let Go

    Halley describes being an entrepreneur as a spiritual path because you spend so much time learning about how to step into the unknown, let go of what you can’t control, and constantly have to continue to work on yourself.

    Learning to let go and surrendering to what comes next is a key part of both business and spirituality. There are of course many aspects of your business you can control, but when you let go of certain expectations and control, and let what’s meant to be happen, the more you can attract clients into your life that are great fits for you. This also allows you to be easier on yourself.

    Connect with Halley:

    Find Halley on Instagram @coach_halley.

    Join Halley’s Messaging, Marketing, and Mindfulness Facebook group by clicking here.

    If you’re interested in a free guide about trusting your inner authority or free meditation audio, would like to book a complimentary 30-minute strategy session with Halley, or just want to learn more about intuition medicine be sure to click here: halleyclairecoaching.com.

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